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Opiniones recientes

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
"In this school, even if your contract says 1:1, you're still expected to take on other kids, that's what you get for working in this school." -a coworker in passing Within the first week of September, three employees told me that they wasted six years of higher education just to end up in this school. Other employees who had worked in other school districts complained that this particular district, and notably this school, is below average when it comes to the support and treatment of both students and employees. The amount of staff support and community in this school matches up to the work experience of an underfunded daycare. Management is either reluctant to help or hostile towards other staff.
Un opinione para Mountlake Terrace Elementary School en Mountlake Terrace, WA

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
Amazing school, my son is now in his 10th grade year and he loves it! He loves learning about construction, manufacturing, welding and everything hands on. He's thinking about his future and what he will do after high school. The teachers are passionate about helping students succeed. Class sizes are small, which I think helps students get individual help and attention. The principal, Ms. Medina is always there to help. I would recommend this high school to anyone; I can't say enough great things about it.
Un opinione para North County Trade Tech High School en Vista, CA

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
If you have a troubled youth that likes to hit other kids and bully other kids without disciplinary action by the school or the school district, this is the school for you. However, if you don鈥檛 like your kids being bullied, or you expect accountability when your child is hit and bullied, then choose another school where your child can learn without having to worry about those issues. My child lasted one month at this school before I pulled them out.
Un opinione para Azle High School en Azle, TX

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
This is a small school with a close and caring atmosphere. My daughter has been very happy here and is learning well. The only downsides are that there has been higher teacher turnover since covid and the school has limited facilities due to its small size. An advantage is that every child is well known by the Principal, front office staff and teachers. Since it is Montessori, students are able to move at their own pace to an extent. Also, there is no homework.
Un opinione para Montessori Academy en Paradise Valley, AZ

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
It鈥檚 a great school. Teachers are excellent
Un opinione para Pioneer Elementary School en Gilbert, AZ

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Estudiante actual
this school is so bad. would NOT wish this on my enemy
Un opinione para Marvin M Sedway Middle School en North Las Vegas, NV

no calificaci贸n

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- School leader
Every child should have the opportunity to go a school like Elizabeth Academy - a school designed to meet the needs of children of all abilities. The school's mission is to transform the U.S. education system, and the school has partnerships with major universities, including the University of Utah and Utah State. This is an environment where children thrive - academically and socially. They learn to be kind, caring, and compassionate individuals. They learn to do their best work, to reach their fullest potential. Great community, wonderful staff, strong and capable leaders. This is a fantastic school.
Un opinione para Elizabeth Academy en Salt Lake City, UT

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
We love this school! We have watched over the past several years as it has grown to a K-12 school, and our child just graduated from high school last spring in the first graduating class. He had a great experience over the years and in high school was able to take honors and AP classes and was in the dual enrollment program so he got both high school and college credit for those classes. He is off at college now and feels well prepared by ECA. He made life-long friends, participated in sports, and had great relationships with the wonderful teachers. There has always been a very active parent group that puts on great events, and ECA has clubs, student government, and the national honor society. No football, but lots of other sports. The teachers and administration work hard and take great care of the kids. We will miss being involved now that our child has moved on.
Un opinione para Excelsior Classical Academy en Durham, NC

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Profesor
Withers is a great neighborhood school with awesome options for dual language and gen ed (we are in dual but have lots of friends in gen ed and very happy!) There is a ton of parental involvement and lots of opportunities to be involved.
Un opinione para Harry C Withers Elementary School en Dallas, TX

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
If I could rate a zero I would. From the principal down to the parents of the students. TRASH. Nobody cares about anything unless you're white and rich. Stuck up everywhere. This school SUPPORTS bullying and so do the parents of the mean kids. The education system here is WHACK and the communication is WHACK.
Un opinione para Oak Point Elementary School en Oak Point, TX

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Don't work here if you can help it. Teachers are amazing and care about the students but admin lies about positions and what you would be doing. Be careful if you ever interview here. They allow children that are aggressive to both kids and teachers into Gen ED when they should be in a more specalised environment to meet their needs.
Un opinione para Taylor Hicks School en Prescott, AZ

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
I graduated from this school 10 years ago and I see that it hasn't changed. The overwhelming majority of students didn't want to learn, holding back the students that did. I had teachers that did nothing about bullying and teachers that put zero effort into their lessons. Frequent fights on campus. It's amazing that I graduated from college because this school definitely did not prepare me. Please don't send your kid here.
Un opinione para Mccluer North High School en Florissant, MO

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
This school is a terrible disappointment. My family member attends this school and he is not having a good experience for years while in attendance. The school needs to uphold IDEA laws. Children are not being given appropriate accomodations for learning disabilities. The school lacks a full time guidance counselor. Bullying is a problem at this school with both other students and some teachers who do nothing to stop it or tell the child who is being bullied "It's your problem". This is unacceptable. The school lacks full time special education teachers or resource rooms. I do not know why this school shows no budget for special education from Warren County. This is just not a good school. They fail to include students at their own IEP when old enough to speak for themselves. It seems these teachers are tired of their jobs and do not have the patience to understand what it's like for children with learning disabilities who need more time to complete things. Children with learning disabilities need access to special education teachers as needed. This school does not prioritize this. Their lack of budget exemplifies this fact. Many, many times my family member has been deeply upset and crying due to the atmosphere at this school. His self esteem has been hurt due to this school experience. They need to seriously review the competence of the teachers. The state should intervene. There are students who cannot sit still for 7 hours. So they get anxious and fidgety. Let the children have fidget spinners or take frequent breaks. There are many therapeutic accessories for students with ADD/ADHD to use to help them. Why does no teacher seem to know about this or utilize them? There are visual coding resources available for students with visual impairments but thus far none of this has been offered. The IEP meeting is not professional. They put the parent on the defensive instead of showing compassion. Instead of the school itself taking the initiative and identifying students who are struggling they instead ignore it. Criticizing students or making them feel ostracized is not helpful which is how they have handled things. This school is in desperate need of full time special education teachers. You cannot mainstream children into 2 classrooms and give them no individualized teaching on 1:1 basis and expect them to learn. Children who have a learning disability need accomodations. That is their legal right. That is the law. This school has severe issues.
Un opinione para Alpha School en Alpha, NJ

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Padre/guardian
Wonderful community, caring teachers, and supportive environment all looking out for your child. We came for preschool and now have a graduate and a 6th grader. Older child accepted into a highly competitive high school - most of the 8th graders get into the high school of their choice.
Un opinione para St. Robert Bellarmine School en Chicago, IL

Publicado Septiembre 19, 2024
- Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
A great school that is very warm, welcoming and innovative programs. Looking at test scores alone will give the wrong impression. Students make tremendous growth despite the high mobility rate!
Un opinione para Highwood Hills Elementary School en Saint Paul, MN